Odette – Our Wildest Dreams

Artist: Odette
Title: Our Wildest Dreams
Keywords: alternative fusion pop r&b soul soulful London

With a unique voice and vocal style Odette walks, swims and dances in her own devotional songs. Songs that all come with a interesting freeing sound and groove, making it on surface easy to jump in and enjoy, but if you look deeper; reveal incredible smart production techniques and implanted ideas that holds it all together. The all-round sound and feel that I’m getting is being fanatic, passionate, dedicated, exotic, smart and sharp. The chosen rhythms are the perfect make-up to bring passion & intelligence back to the alternative fusion pop world & there would be nothing in the word a true music lover could better ask for! It’s the Trojan horse that once inserted into your heart, will only give you nice surprises!

She feels as comfortable on sunny reggae vibes as the poppier ones. Has the soulful vocal technique that makes her voice sound like a freeing instrument, one that twist and twirls around and on top of the music & herself. Sometimes even giving that Kate Bush push of magic! A voice so warm and moving that it could be compared to the crackling dust that vinyl lovers have sworn a oat upon. She can get it up high and down low, has that playfulness that will unleash the butterflies in your tummy from pure listening. Odette is a talented human being, one whose confidence and comfortableness within these songs here are making you feel as if the artist and music had mutated in one new kind of being! In all honesty; I can’t believe that she isn’t famous (yet!)!

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