YIKIS music digest #6 ‘Music to spend your money on’

Hi there, I’m single mum and this is my column on yikis. A returning one in which I look at the latest commercial music releases that have been dropped out there , all hungry for your investing wallet in the hope to get a piece of it. Today I have little time cause I have to bring little tiny Theodore to weekend school and spend promised time at the playground with my triple twins Bello, Bollo, Bertrand, Bessie, Kwik & Kwak. But now they are still sleeping (luckily) so I’ll make the most out of it. Are you ready?

STR33TLIGHT – Bear Town Sound

Let’s start with this music that kinda made me laugh. Don’t know if that is a good thing, probably depending on if it was intended that way or not – but laughing is good and proven beneficial for everyone’s health. I can’t even pin point exactly what was tricking those laugh muscles, probably the choice of sound and the melodies in general. It has something silly over it, something that is on the edge of driving me insane and yet I seem to like it – probably because of it. It is like that movie the room, it’s bad but good. Borderline brilliant. It got those trance sounds, but lacks that stadium production and just seems to twinkle around in a stable craziness that makes me giggle. It’s kind of quirky, I guess. At least it’s funny – positive too which is a thing that most of today’s content in this report seem to lack. So that’s why I think it would be nice to spend some money (if you had some) to STR33TLIGHT in order for this person to make more of these happy making tunes. You can get this unbelievable album from all the popular online stores, check out the site for links and more info:

One Dead Brit – One Dead Brit

Talking about strangeness, the one dead Brit has got this one down to perfection. However unlike the streetlight the dead Brit’s sounds doesn’t come across as a laughing matter, but more as if mayhem had come to earth and had placed itself in the artist to be able to perform its will in the most authentic ways. You probably never heard anything like it, with a vocal style that is like the sound of a Mad max generation of a dystopian future. It’s easy to close your eyes and imagine the one dead Brit going around the streets to much people’s faces off! He for sure got that beastly zombie sound that will make you watch your back as ou walk the streets late at night, there is something really bloody and disturbing about it & ha even though I wouldn’t want my kids to hear this : I as an responsible adult LOVE IT. If this one dead Brit was in jail I would attempt to write letters to him; it’s that kind of fascinating style that he got down that is utterly intriguing, terrifying and exciting at the same time! For a dead Brit he sounds absolutely thrilling! He might look friendly on the picture but his experimental rock sounds absolutely scary as hell! Please give all your money to him as we need more of this guy’s sound : it will shake up the music industry – or he might simply eat it all up! You can find his music on all the commercial online stores – for links check out his site:

Plunky & Oneness – Crazy Lately

This one seems to be the hit single that we all seem to need in this very moment in time. It’s a song done by a lovely looking lady named Charlayne Green (and saxophonist Plunky!) who convinces us that even though everything is looking crazy, we shouldn’t worry about a thing as everything will be alright.. a nice message if you’d ask me. One that I would convey to my children too, although they seem completely unaware of the world’s shit show – having no television and allowing them no screen time helps a lot to keep politics, racism, hate and negative absurdity out of the household. However my strict motherly control, I think it’s safe to say that I would have no problem sitting down with them to watch the music video by this lovely artist who clearly means so well over here:

For more music/video and info about this band you could check out the official website: http://www.plunkyone.com

Pagan interface – the last days of everything

It’s not only plunky and the oneness who has been concerned of the future, also the next artist named pagan interface seemingly is slightly worried. Pagan interface it’s music is self described as neuromantic chillwave for the post apocalypse, which I might say is a fitting title. The music might not have the commercial music appeal that would suit those poppy fancy pansy radio stations all over the globe, but presumably if they all knew the end of the world was just around the corner; why not spin any of these tracks and broadcast it to a wider audience? At least we can go out on an electronic little chill swing – it will soothe the pain when the Big Bang comes to sort it all out. Be quick to throw it some money too, as it would be a real damn shame (don’t worry none of my children read this column so I could be as crude as I wanted to be) if all the money would be just become even more worthless than it used to be. Better spend some on ‘the last days of everything’ so the artist could eat and drink something nice before the gods will press that big restart button! Besides this album is pretty nice to hear before we get hit by that prophetically big meteorite!

My Formula – A.C.M.E.

The sound of dreadfulness also seems to flourish in this ambient music with experimental undertones by this My formula. It’s like robot meets human vocal-wise, molded together for a chilled out investment of a relaxing time while crying out perfect tears of sadness. If that sounds appealing to you, please do run over and get your hands on this project by Chris Bihuniak’s Ambient Collaboration Music Experience in which he uses his music ideas to incorporate talented friends. The entire album follows the concept in which he asks his singing friends to sing on a short bit of the song – to surprise them at the end with the track as a surprise for the singer & of course to all of us simpler people who are just here to listen, observe and squeeze those tears out. If you are interested to hear and invest in the 12 tracks worthy album you can do so at all the mayor online music stores. Check out the website to read mixed reviews, more info and for links to those shops! https://www.4boysinc.com/my_formula.shtml

Catherine King – Hold On To Your Heart

As a single mum I’m utterly pleased with the music of Catherine King, she seems to keep it more simple, not severely positioned in severe positivity, but more focused on singing a song from A to Z and executing it with a believable story style. Songs that ring up those exhausted motherly feelings that sometimes pop up into me at the rare occasions of being left alone , i will wear baggy pants, smoke some weed as I cowgirl-dance in secret to “highway 420” and sing ‘to hell with it all’ as more relieving tears guts out of my skull… it’s the country pop music that feels a bit like the ‘little sacred ME time’ that happens behind closed doors, or when I lock myself up in the cupboard when everything had become a bit much for me. Hold on to your heart seems like the kind of country album I would bring along in my hiding place… if I had money left I would gladly go to these online shops and get it to safe my own sanity. Besides she looks like a kind person, doesn’t she?


Spitfire and company – effort never dies

I thought that Spitfire and company would be an alcoholic beverage for me to check out and review. But strangely it was music of a strange kind. It’s like rock music with pop elements, enough electric guitar to shake up the recording studio in which it must have been recorded. It sounded a bit like a fight and I’m not really sure who won: the catchiness of the positive vocals or the out of the Wild guitarist that seemed to be like an uncaged animal who comes across as untamable & could only be silenced by the choice of a fadeout. Apparently it’s all part of the clever concept behind miss Spitfire and company as they are apparently a mix of musicians. One who never have the same musicians playing one song. Who are always changing .. which might resulted in this fight within this song. It’s different than watching world wide wrestling but still as entertaining!

Arcane Ritual – Witch-Heart

Talking about deafening electric guitar and a voice that comes out to haunt us: this Arcane Ritual is hitting all the boxes. It’s scary as hell, as if the music is throwing us in the flames – almost certainly an happening – if nobody pulls out the credit card in order to invest in their Witch-Heart album. It’s very loud and haunting, with riffs and a voice that seems to go underneath the skin – military drums that feel like machine guns … here is a video clip for anyone who needs more proof that forests are the kind of place that bands like this get their fresh air from:

I don’t know how to describe it other than that old people would probably think that this is the music that the devil enjoys to hear. I heard that the devil also reads this blog, so if that’s you; please invest some of your wealth into this album:

Giulia Millanta – conversation with a ghost

I believe witches probably might have conversations with ghosts occasionally too, but who knows? I’m too busy to be a witch, maybe later when I’ve kicked all the kids out of the house.. in any case the conversations with a ghost here done by a certain Four languages speaking guitarist named Giulia Millanta doesn’t come across as scary, bewitching or haunting. Maybe everything sounds calm and peaceful after Arcane Ritual, but still.. this singer songwriter artist in the indie folk Americana style is just coming across as the right person to hear when you want to hear a nice voice and calm music while relaxing. It felt good with a late night proseco while the children sleep. Munching on some vegan chocolates, dipping the spoon into an bowl of yoghurt in bed as the music kindly wipes out the loud snores of my beloved children. I certainly have no problem with the music by this artist, if I didn’t spend all my money on snacks I would be happy to throw some to the album of this artist. To say some nice things about it seems to be the only thing I could do for now. It’s nice. https://www.giuliamillanta.com

Daniele Pecorelli and Mark Schaub – &

Now to end this episode on a very interesting way, I would like to let you know about the least commercial sounding music of this bunch. Daniele Pecorelli and Mark Schaub’s collaboration… but wow! This is avant-garde experimentalism at the top of its game, music that hangs more into the realms of sound art, ambience and interesting audioscapes than popular culture. It’s a huge trip though. With sightings of electric frogs, howling obscurities, nature sounds that feel unnatural and strange – creating the ideal base to have a different kind of an experience with. You can get this one on vinyl, which I believe is something beautiful to invest in. You can even hang the artwork on the wall too – how great is that? https://danielepecorelli.bandcamp.com/album/-

Well, that’s it for now. Hope you enjoyed my take on the new commercial releases that you could spend your money on. Sending you much love & please don’t spend all that money – don’t forget to keep some for food, snacks, pampering activities and feeding / clothing your loved ones!


Single Mum

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