Gintas K – Variations in a​-​moll for a granular synthesis

Artist: Gintas K
Title: Variations in a-moll for a granular synthesis
Keywords: experimental adventurous Deventer
Label: Esc.rec.

If you let go of the conceptual side of Gintas K’s newest release on esc.rec. and just hear the music with a clean and fairly wiped out open mind, you can witness the sounds of electric emotion that are surprisingly beautiful. The hardest bit is getting yourself into that mindset and probably finding a ‘safe space’, a listening room without any extra ears from friends, flat mates or family members that might be nagging and complaining about ‘the strange noise’ that is coming out of the speakers. Not that it is noise in any way, but it isn’t your average commercial pop poop either. Which mind you; many of us might consider to be noise as well!

Getting any unwilling ears out of the way + getting your own head in the right state is maybe a hefty operation, but is one that will certainly be rewarded when going for a listening session of Variations in a-moll for a granular synthesis. It mainly comes across as if a pixelated electric sound is being strummed nervously as if it’s copying the aspects of a nicely stringed instrument, transforming it into a speedy glitch that forms high spirited structures of nicely active audio. A mouth full to put down in paper but actually it’s quite the pleasure provider.

Maybe you can see it as if a very pleasant electric sound had replaced the horrid noise that would normally be coming out of a motor cycle when you turn the gas handle up and down. In a nicer world I would love this to be the actual case, as the main tone used by Gintas K is a lot more pleasant and loveable, even flowing into musical territories that authentically are of the pleasantly pretty kind. It’s an odd thing, difficult to describe but maybe comparable to listening to a nice looking cocoon in the process to transform its inner creature into a wonderful butterfly. It’s keeping the tension as if it’s like listening to a work in process, one that is living a life on its very own, abstract and experimental perhaps but also oddly quite the listenable friendliness.

The overall electric sound used in all the tracks over here seems to be fairly the same; underlining my personal theory that if something sounds good why would you change it? Just take that sound and be like Gintas K and explore all the possible possibilities with and within it! A neat ‘trick’ that even though the artist experimenting like a mad scientist with ‘granular synthesis’ as its main fetish to explore, will make sure that all six experiments are feeling as one, creating a granular listening experience that is easy to go into with the ears and mind when all alone and deeply into the adventurous audio zone. Treat yourself well and get yourself one of these well designed albums from your favourite boutique label:

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