Feminine – Lorelei

Artist: Feminine
Title: Lorelei
Keywords: Lorelei, Feminine, Melania Casella, La bèl, netlabel, Creative Commons, Italy, Sicily, Stuttgard, Giampiero Riggio, Francesco Cipriano, Dream Pop, Folktronica, Lowless
Label: La Bel Netlabel

Feminine strangely taking over with this album, it starts with drums and slowly but surely expands with organic classy undertones and a fierce sleepy feminine voice. It has this overall feel of having engaged in the absorption of a good wine & now kicking in with a fine aroma, flavor and slight drowsy mind.

The main feminine voice sounds a bit more manly in ‘centuries’ the next song. It sounds a bit theatrical, like a new age play with flying dolphins on a abandoned coastline. ‘Coral Face’ is another track that might be hard to define, but it sounds pretty good & original. With a fullness of thrilling synth and beat & even appetizing vocals. I wouldn’t know what to say about it as that’s what happens when you are impressed; speechlessness.

For a nice glitchy, warm sweetness you can hook in and dream away with the one of a kind sounding ‘Green eyes go wild’. It has something over it that feels as if it’s made to lull babies to sleep and than wake em up to rock their tiny heads…

Also available on this free release is a case of happiness. It kicks like a stable warrior drum with cozy pleasantness on the side, providing free passage to a feel good warm melodic brew. Cheers, mate!

Feminine delivers a sweet tune in which the title is pronounced in such a cute way, that it will make you want to squeeze the cheeks of the singer as how he sings the two words ‘Honey’ and ‘hunters’ is simply adorable.

Another track with a different title is ‘Mohican’ which starts with some caffeine powdered drumming, but soon it all gets pampered up with fireplace guitar music and a song mentioning it being like a bonfire. The music starts to tickle and somehow I imagine it snowing and it’s suddenly Christmas. I don’t know if that makes any sense, but I don’t really care…

Next in line is a pretty hazy work named ‘Our Sleep’ which smothers like a half asleep / half awake nightly episode. A slow rhythm with a prominent clap provides the road for the dreamy male vocals to do its thing over. It’s all nice material on this free downloadable album, it’s just difficult to say something fruitful about it.. why talk if you could just listen, right?

Same thing with ‘Sacred Stones’ a track that is like a whisper in the ear, you can hear Feminine being devoted in giving you the best music to its fullest potential. With nice crashes, euphoria and a slumbering moody mood the track goes forward & so we flow towards the final end. A flight directly into the light of the ‘Sun’ which doesn’t sound like a summer holiday but more like a moth attracted to the light that would fly up towards the flames along with some hazy pop rock; might they melt together and be forever as one…



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