Sonologyst / No Way Out – Geometrical Phenomenons

Artists: Sonologyst / No Way Out
title: Geometrical Phenomenons
cat: GHGR 010714
keywords: electronic, experimental, ambient, generative, post-rock
label: GodHatesGodRecords

Sonologyst and No Way Out melted their brains together for a fondue of 6. Six tracks they have brought out on their album named ‘Geometrical Phenomenons’. A title that sounds phenomenal and geometric but don’t be fooled that it’s too high up there to be listened and enjoyed by the normal folks that doesn’t have phenomenally high high-scores on mathematics.
It’s in pretty listenable and hangs between ambient and science tests of sound that for someone with no interest in science; is still enjoyable without too much needed cracking of the brain.
Experimental music they call it in some circles, and with that in mind it is already an experiment how some people perceive this album as a whole. It would be great to replace a new Justin Bieber album with this collaborative record of No Way Out and Sonologyst and see what the beliebers would think of it.

It starts with a track named ‘Arkel’ which is a good starter that keeps itself associated with the more traditional side of ambient and music. It seems to me as it has two layers of sound pastry: one is a calm ambient of carefully planned placement of a note with additional effects. And the other is somehow a lo-fi improvisational that comes across as being played on a lo-fi casio keyboard with the one who plays it being in some kind of musical trance.

The track ‘Endoform’ is more interesting experimental wise. This lengthy track will probably make the beliebers frown as it is so far removed from the usual Bieber material.  It is a track in which crisper sound is being pushed in the speakers as if its butter in a hot frying pan and a fat cook humming around it. This might be a bit of a weird situation as it is clear that within this recording there are also multiple moments to be found in which you can hear the speeding uplifting engines from passer by airplanes or perhaps even mysterious rockets. Half way the deep happy humming of the fat cook start to sound more as if his stomach is hungry and is in drastic need for something like a steak to add to the butter.It’s here that the atmosphere changes and it feels as if the artists suddenly abducts both our ears and drops in outer space for a relaxing time outside our hemisphere.

The mysterious and quite lonely sounding track ‘Sikelion’ is more something down to earth, a chapter of actual music that feels like an expression of acceptance. I have to think of Darth Vader listening to this while standing in an elevator.. It’s relaxing, but yet there flows a certain dark power through it.

Esoform transports us straight back into space; time traveling through sucking black holes in a movement that is active and yet relaxing. The more our ears hang in this state of audio the more Sonologyst and No Way Out put on the pressure of speed and add additives of magnetic space to keep our minds floating. In the end the audio trip slows down and slowly comes to an halt of suspension. What a nice trip through the galaxy…

The next work is ‘Asidym’ that starts straight up with soft fluff, warm buzz, the alien melody from that movie for calling some space ships and pleasurable sonic goodies.  Within the piece there is change that suddenly hints to music expressions, from a sudden moment of experimental electronic ambient jazz, till extreme minimal techno. There are moments of awkwardness, pretty moments of fine tuning of warm electronica and excitement in abstract forms.

The last audio piece is ‘Dualistic’ is in my ears a duel between the sounds of outer space and the sound of the kitchen from that fat cook that we had met earlier on. It begins good with the deep space sounds and half way the kitchen utensils are being brought in to rattle and clatter and get themselves heard. In the end space wins and leaves the lucky listener in a fine zone of bliss, which can be yours (beliebers?)  if you grab the content that pops up when you click this link:

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