HUMANFOBIA – Atmósfera Lívida

title: Atmósfera Lívida
keywords: Humanfobia, Chile, Atmospheric, Experimental, Dark Ambient, Noise, Electronic, Soundscapes

Humanphobia is a serious phobia to have, as you might know; there are a lot of humans out there. In fact they might be almost everywhere! This release with its 12 experimental atmospheric tracks are basically a look inside the mind of someone who suffers from this phobia. It’s a lonely place, sometimes it’s funny, but mostly it’s quite the fodder for paranoia and fear… Where can you hide, how is it possible to avoid the humans, how can you survive without interaction with them?

You can hear the person suffering from Humanphobia talking by herself in a corner, possibly tucked away deep in darkness, hoping that no one will see her… It’s a phobia that clearly makes lonely and one that is difficult to be understood by actual non-effected humans. Yet, if you hear this this release the results are pretty much explaining the thoughts, the paranoid mind, the fear, sadness and loneliness without a prime time documentary or a well penned collection of words by a psychiatrist…

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1 Response to HUMANFOBIA – Atmósfera Lívida

  1. Feminatronic says:

    Reblogged this on Feminatronic and commented:
    I can always rely on YIKIS to find the needle in the haystack hat is the web and this is a great find – Sábila Orbe, Humanfobia is a dark ambient, experimental, electronic, and noise project from Rancagua, Chile.

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